David Watson is a friend who has done great work locally and globally as a Church Planter, a Strategy Coordinator, and as a trainer of Multiplying Mentors.  David has been an over-achiever in about everything he has done, mainly church planting.  His words are worth taking to heart.

Check out his recent blog on Leadership and Spiritual Multiplication.

There seems to be some confusion regarding the various roles leaders must play if they hope to succeed. For me, success in a leader is defined by having a vision, accomplishing the vision, and making more leaders who can have a vision, accomplish the vision, and make more leaders who… and so on.

When I am evaluating leaders I always look for three generations in the room – myself, the person I am mentoring, and the people he or she is mentoring. If you cannot see three generations, then the leadership model is probably new, flawed or broken. Leaders make more leaders as a natural part of leadership. Some are more intentional that others, but all real leaders produce more leaders.

In the reproduction of leaders we have to work through information/knowledge transfer, skill set transfer, and capacity building. Information/knowledge transfer is the primary function of teachers. Skill set transfer is the primary function of coaches & trainers, and development of capacity is the primary role of mentors.