The Premise:  Obedience to God’s Word leads to local church-based biblical objectives, which bolster right practices that over time contribute to lasting values, which ultimately enable God-sized dreams to be fulfilled.

One Day Seminars

How Do We Start? – Seminars for churches with little or no current mission outreach.

Re-visioning for Missions Leaders – Seminar for church leaders who want tools for redefining their church’s mission focus.

Building Systems That Work– Seminar for Active Mission Churches, to step back and re-examine their systems and procedures for missions implementation.

Community Wide Alliances – Seminar to bring churches in the community together for God’s work to impact the city and the world.

Specialized Training – Emergency relief, disaster response, cross-cultural communication of the gospel, church planting, unreached people group strategies, Muslim outreach, Leadership Seminars As A Global Missions Tool, and other specialized training is available upon request.

Pre-Workshop Evaluation

Workshops are most strategic if customized based on a pre-evaluation to determine the church’s missions status.  Pre-evaluation includes a combination of consultation meetings with visional leadership staff, other church staff, key committees and teams, lay mission leadership and members regarding existing vision, existing local and global strategies and practices.  From data collected and assessments obtained a Church Missions Profile will be provided to church leadership.  Subsequent workshops will be tailored according to the pre-evaluation.  

Five Day Workshops

Biblical foundations and the process of becoming a W.O.R.L.D. Christian Church will be introduced to the congregation or to the appropriate gathering of staff and laity.  The workshops are not primarily about imparting knowledge, rather the sessions are geared to leading the church toward the first steps of becoming missional, strategic, and engaged in local and global strategies with systems that can change your church, your city and the world.  A Mission Leader coach rolls up his sleeves and assists your church through the pre-workshop evaluation and the workshop to begin a healthy process of becoming more missional.  The Mini-Workshop will only introduce biblical missional foundations, lead church leaders toward initial steps of discovering unique biblical objectives, dreaming a God-sized vision, and expose leaders to systems that will initiate your church’s journey toward lasting missions values.  Because of the customization involved, no two church workshops are identical.

Nine Month Consultations

The best mechanism for assisting a church to become missional is through a prolonged consultation. The W.O.R.L.D Christian consultation is where the heavy lifting of evaluation and rebuilding occurs.  A missional coach will roll up his sleeves and assist church leaders to analyze and rebuild the churches vision, systems and strategies. The coach works along side of pastors and mission leaders to build a comprehensive vision for local and global impact.  We go through seven steps of evaluation and retooling in order to move from Biblical principles to unique Biblical objectives and systems for implementing God-sized dreams through a W.O.R.L.D. Christian strategy.

For more information and costs, email craig@missionleader.com or mark@missionleader.com .