Take a look at this letter from a friend from Perspectives regarding the Muslim holy day.  What are you doing to pray for your Muslim neighbors. Cindy and I made a visit to a Muslim home this week.  We did NOT accept their offer of tea and sweets because they were fasting and we did not want to be eating and drinking in front of them while they were fasting. There are also some prayer guides for Ramadan that churches and small groups can use.

T points us to a great site to guide our praying.


Dear Friends,

As I write this, the date is September 4, 2001 AD.  But in the Muslim world this date is also 4 Ramadan, 1429 AH.

For Muslims around the world, Ramadan is a very special month – the month of fasting.  From sunrise until sunset, devout Muslims don’t eat, drink, smoke, or engage in sexual relations.  From sunset until sunrise, Ramadan is a month of feasting.  Muslims eat MORE during Ramadan than during any other month – and they eat richer, more delectable foods during the “fast”.  Think of Thanksgiving dinner every night for an entire month.  The Islamic Center of Nashville generally posts items on their web site asking members to watch their calories during this month!

Since the Islamic calendar contains 12 lunar months, the year is about 354 days long.  This causes Ramadan to occur about 11 days earlier on the Gregorian calendar each year.  It also causes Muslims to gain an extra year in age about every 33 years.  A friend of mine is either 45 or 46 years old depending on the calendar used!

So – what is so special about Ramadan anyway.  According the the Qur’an, Mohammed had the first of the 114 revelations that would later become the Qur’an during Ramadan.  No one is quite sure on which day this occurred but the Lailatul-Qadr (Night of Power),  is the most likely candidate.  It falls on September 26 this year.  Many Muslims believe that God will do something very special that night (whichever night it is).  Many stay up all night during the latter part of the month so they won’t miss out.

For the last several years, millions of Christians have prayed that God will indeed do something special for Muslims during the month of Ramadan, specifically that he will reveal Himself to them personally.  This may be through the witness of a follower of Jesus, or it may be through a dream or vision.  Up to 80% of Muslim Background believers report having a dream or vision as part of their path to Jesus – many of them occurring during Ramadan.  Please join us in this global prayer outreach.

The web site www.30daysfire.net is a great daily resource to use as you pray.

Pray for Muslim leaders to see Jesus.  Could you imagine the impact a converted, spirit filled Usama bin Laden would have on the world.  If you don’t believe that God can redeem him, remember that Saul of Tarsus was the bin Laden of his day.  If God could transform the Usama bin Laden of the first century into Paul, why can’t  we be so bold as to believe He can turn Usama bin Laden into the Paul of the 21st century.  Please join me in praying for Usama and other Islamic leaders.

Blessings in the Name of Jesus,


US Center for World Mission