
In Athens the Apostle Paul found an altar with an inscription to an unknown god. As he preached the gospel of Jesus to the Athenians he chided them for worshiping an obscure god with no name. How much better, Paul explained, to worship the true Lord of heaven and earth. In fact, Paul described God as orchestrating the allotted times of our lives, and even the boundaries of nations. As we see the international crisis today unfold, we might ask, Why does God work in this way?

Paul answers: So that people everywhere “should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each of us.” (Acts 17:27, ESV).

Recently God has redrawn our “allotted times and boundaries.” He has led us to a new season of ministry among refugees, whose boundaries have certainly been upended!

Last month, we prayerfully chose to step away from a ministry and an organization that we have loved like family since 1983, The International Mission Board. Increasingly, Mark was spending half of his time in Richmond, Virginia — making work with internationals here unsustainable.

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