Published by Cindy Morris on 29 Sep 2008 at 08:23 pm
Missions – Time to do away with the same old.
Change, Change, Change, I know that most of us are sick of hearing about it. Many of us hate change and some of us thrive on it. In politics change has become the buzz word for both parties. I am sure that all of us would agree that we would like to see some good changes in Washington, our communities and around the world. Even though I have some very strong views, I will not be going down into the political hornets nest here.
But is it much different in our churches? Change is a hot topic there also (and sometimes a hornets nest). The battles between the we always did it that way before mindset and the lets try something new group continue. If you have not had these issues pop up in your church, just wait and look out.
Missions is one of those change topics that appear to be taboo to discuss. In many churches I have seen missions pushed to the back of the priority list. The programming within the building and the building itself has become the primary focus of ministry. Even when we send our money or a few people here or there in the name of missions, the church as a whole is not really behind it. Change is needed in how we do mission work, but the real change is needed in the hearts of those in our churches. The mindset must change from this is what we do to this is who we are!!!
That is one of the steps that Mission Leader, Inc. has in their consulting framework. Using the W.O.R.L.D. Christian acrostic, the process is to re-focus on the priorities that Jesus established in Acts 1:8. The acrostic is:
Word Focus on biblical principles for mission.
Objectives Set biblical and church objectives.
Right practices Establish God honoring processes and procedures.
Lasting Values Moving from this is what we do to this is who we are.
Dreams Seeing Gods heart and knowing we live and die for this.
It is time for the church, and each one of us, to get back to the basics of what we have been called to do. Jesus words in Act 1:8 was not a suggestion!
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