For several weeks, we are going to hear from a long-time friend who I’ve watched mature over the years. I’m actually more of an uncle to him.

In the early 1990’s John’s parents joined me and my wife on a cross-cultural team in another country. Cindy and I have prayed for and supported John’s family over the years as they have lived and served in various settings.

As you read John’s articles, you will be drawn into life and ministry from the perspective of John and his friends who have grown and matured as Third Culture Kids. Several of the articles that John is writing are actually interviews with his friends, who like John are American.  Yet John and his friends have spent their developmental years surrounded by people and events outside the cultural norm of the United States of America – thus, we call them Third Culture Kids. These kids are American, but their perspective is not explicitly American. Instead, these “kids” filter life through different lenses.

Join me as we look at the world from the perspective of John and his Third Culture friends.

What follows is John’s self-introduction.

Mark Morris

From John M.

Hey guys,

I am excited for the opportunity to be involved with this site. I am a recently returning TCK (Third Culture Kid) who is now attending college here in the States. I was born in America to a God-centered family, who moved overseas early in my life, and gave me many opportunities to experience the world’s different cultures, people, and languages. I have grown up most of my life in predominantly Muslim countries, with some time in a Buddhist culture, as well as several years in Europe and North America.

During my time growing up, I’ve attended many different types of schools: public, private, boarding school, and home school. Currently I am an underclassman at college. I am seeking to live a life that honors God, and to intentionally focus relationships on the eternal.

Over this summer I hope to share with you some stories, and how it is these stories have impacted my relationship with God. I hope that you will join me in sharing how these stories impact our lives.

John Magilicuty

Central Asia

24 The Lord bless you
and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV)