How about some radical giving?!

As many of you know my wife, Cindy has been in a year long battle with Multiple Myeloma. Read more about that journey below. We spent a big part of the last 12 months traveling back and forth between Memphis and Nashville in order to undergo an autologous stem cell transplant at . Unlike many patients, Cindy was extremely blessed to be eligible to donate her own stem cells for cleanup and later re-infusion back into her own body. This process was grueling, extremely risky, but has prolonged and improved Cindy’s life. There will be more treatment for Cindy and possibly another transplant.

Through this journey, we met some of our fellow patients who were unable to use their own marrow or stem cells for treatment. Some have waited for years for a match, their condition deteriorating slowly in the process. Others never find a match and succumb to their disease. Seeing the dramatic impact on Cindy’s well being, I made an easy decision. Without hesitation, I committed myself to become a bone marrow or stem cell donor. I contacted the bone marrow donor society and began filling out the required survey to donate. I was very, very disappointed to learn that my particular back problem disqualifies me from being a donor. I’m not giving up though. I’m going to keep pursuing it to see if there is some way I can donate.

We’re living in a time of increased willingness of young adults to make personal sacrifice for a higher cause. Young christians are making a difference in our world through radical expressions of brotherly love. The Green Revolution leads us to recycle, turn off the lights, down-size our vehicles, and donate funds to produce clean water around the world. We know that every good citizen donates blood regularly. On and on grows the list of sacrifices we make for saving our planet, helping our fellow man, and serving the common good.

Here’s what I’d like you to consider.

I’m not asking you to give up an organ or limb. I’m asking you to pray about offering up a few million of the youngest cells in your body in order to save a life or two. It does involve some sacrifice. Adult stem cell donations require seven days of getting an injection to cause your stem cells to rapidly reproduce. Yes that’s a pain. When you are “ripe” you will begin to have some back pain which will tell you “it’s time.” The stem cells are drawn from your blood during a 4 hour process of being hooked up to a machine that extracts the stem cells. It’s the easiest way you’ll ever save a life.

Take the first painless step by going to the international donor site. Complete the online questionnaire to see if you are eligible. If you find that you are eligible, pray about what’s next.

I saw my wife’s life extended and improved by her stem cells. I desperately want to do the same for someone else, but I’m not eligible.

It’s a great way to give about a gazillion pieces of yourself, in the form of stem cells. This small sacrifice could save a life.

Pray about it.

*Do me a favor – if you complete the donor survey, come back to this article and leave your comment. You might encourage someone else to do the same.