We all love the signs of new life in spring. Silent, lifeless winter has passed. As Christians, winter’s passing and spring’s arrival cannot but remind us of Jesus’ necessary death by crucifixion, followed by miraculous resurrection. Melodious bird songs and budding, beautiful trees shout hallelujah. Our Afghan friends are celebrating Nao Roz – the first day of their new year.

Praise God for new, abundant life in Christ. Pray that lost Muslim friends find it, that God would choose to use Easter outreaches to plant seeds into fertile soil. Pray for a Refugee picnic April 7th. We will have food and fun and some “What is Easter” conversations. Pray for further interactions in homes, on walks and at kiosks in the mall. This week we saw one preliterate English as a Second Language student write her name for the first time! Creation to Christ stories are the basis for our lessons. We recognize softening hearts. Please pray for Holy Spirit conviction of sin and the eyes to see that Easter makes forgiveness possible.

Praise God for bringing new families to our church and team, both short term and long term, who desire to live missionally in the refugee neighborhood. May God grant to each one wisdom, as they discern where to live and with whom to start intentional friendships of love and service and witness. Ask for just the right employment.

Time came for Cindy’s periodic cancer checkup at Vanderbilt. Going to the doctor reminds us that hers is a chronic condition– a resilient, stubborn cancer. We left very encouraged that her number remains good. She should best benefit by continuing six more months on the same treatment. Afterwards, Lord willing, she should be able to drop one of two current chemotherapies and stay on one indefinitely. We’re so grateful for God’s great mercy. Thank you for caring and praying.

Sincerely, Mark and Cindy

 Each day as we and our team go about befriending and pointing Muslims to Jesus, we do so praising God for your partnership in His work at Refugee Memphis. Your gifts of prayer and giving never go unnoticed.