Published by Mark Morris on 16 Mar 2009 at 03:34 am
Black and White-one body or not?
Since December 14, 2008 Pastor Kelvin Bowen and myself have been working together as black and white pastors in a new church plant. Kelvin is the senior pastor and I’m his associate. Both of us came together having worked on two separate church starts, but after prayer and soul-searching, God showed us that we had the opportunity to do something unique together in the city where Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated. God has drawn together a core group of about a half dozen white folk and about 2 dozen black folks. Each Sunday we will have from 40 to 60 in attendance and each week is a great blessing.
Since December 14, my visual, social, and spiritual perspective has undergone a transformation. For example:
- I can’t figure out why there aren’t more white folks that are serious about doing church as one with African Americans.
- Congregations and even denominations have been divided over style – yet styles of music and worship, even style of preaching and style of church administration just doesn’t seem so important any more.
- Tradition is being redefined. It’s hard to talk about traditional church since there are so many different definitions of ‘tradition.’ To think that people are church shopping to find their preferred tradition or style of preaching and music. So, we have each had to learn to adapt to styles of preaching, fellowship, worship, and polity that are a blend of each of our traditions.
- Fellowship is deep. I’m too accustomed to lots of shallow relationships in church. Amazingly people of different cultures are growing increasingly in unity. The bond of love is strengthening each day.
- Vision is expanding. Surprisingly, our view of our city and the world changes when we worship and work and fellowship as a multicultural body.
Since December 14, I have grown shockingly aware of the fact that nearly all the Church Planting, or Church leadership, or Mission conferences that I frequent are dominated by one race or another. The speakers and the participants are 99% from one race with only a token representation from another culture. It’s strange that I didn’t notice this church and conference segregation until the body of believers with whom I am one, has changed my daily perspective.
So what’s the solution? I’m asking the Lord. Lord what is the solution?
What’s God telling you? How can the body become one?
Beth G. Sanders on 16 Mar 2009 at 4:35 am #
I have no answers, not surprisingly. But … thanks for trying, for not being content. Thanks for being willing to get out of the comfort zone, to stretch. I’m so hopeful that these barriers are going to come down – because people like you are willing to get out of the Sunday morning box. I know God is smiling on you. You have our prayers.
ellen stevens on 18 Mar 2009 at 6:26 am #
as a church planter and pursuer of Christ, I’ve enjoyed what I’ve found on this site.
keep it coming.
Larry Bailey on 18 Mar 2009 at 8:34 pm #
On Mar 17, 2009, at 9:09 AM, Larry Bailey wrote:
We began discovering this several years ago in our ministry of In His Steps, and 3 years ago began to be intentional on moving it toward a church plant. What has been interesting is what has happened. Not only has the black white merged, but internationals are being attracted to it. Last Sunday they baptized 5 and one was from China. So get ready for even further expansions among the peoples.
Larry Bailey
Mission Pastor
Central Baptist – Jonesboro.
Katina Staples on 16 Jun 2009 at 3:39 pm #
I would love more info about your church, I’m very interested in visting. I was told about your church through a woman I met at Redemption!
Thanks in advance,
Katina Staples